My reduced posting frequency does not reflect a similar trend in the presence of the illness in my stream of thoughts. It is just that this presence gets more and more interwoven with the fabric of my thoughts. Nevertheless, I still feel more rapid changes of perspective than during usual times, a constant historical overdose. Which might become a new "usual".
As an example, the advice by health officials, to wash hands more frequently as prevention against a pandemic outbreak of one of the H-something-N-somthings gets instantly related to my illnesss. Here, it is one of the treatments of my illness, e.g. phlebotomy.
To me, both hand-washing and phlebotomy to manage serious illnesses sound very antique (In reality, phlebotomy is much older than hand-washing.) Compared along the historical timeline, I am lucky to get phlebotomy in a clean environment by trained staff, and with washed hands. From own experience and in comparison, phlebotomy gives me the better kick. The other week, I "received" the 2nd one ever. In contrast to normal people, this gave me 3-4 days of increased physical power and endurance. What spinach intake is for Popeye is blood outflow for me.
I still observe all recommendations from my Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor (unfortunately, his business model is not traditional, i.e. successful prevention is not his only source of revenue). It does not hurt, but eating warm three times a day is no fun either, especially during summer. On the kick scale, his acupuncture is close to hand-washing.
On the retro scale of medicine, my treatments are real high scorers. In order to thrive under these circumstances, I added hand-washing. Maybe, I will grow this hand-washing into regular swims I had previously.
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