Saturday, July 10, 2010

Where to go

It has been a long time. And like anyone who follows the blog, I was wondering what to pursue with it and whether to continue.
Palestine was a great and important experience. A good example for the two weeks there was the day in Jericho. Crossing the borders from Israel to the Palestinian territories feels like going from one sector of post war Berlin to another. I might have packed too much in between the lines here, as this also means that signs of a smoldering war are everywhere. Except another US group of three, there were absolutely no tourists, which are better called travelers.

There are 70 years between the two pictures. The major thing that changed is that Israelis provide their trash as awning. No need to have fancy textiles anymore.

And here comes an entrance-exit of the wall:

Work and study keep me busy at the moment. At least they should. And I work hard to leave the impression of working hard to others and to myself. So, blogging now is very inappropriate.

Monday, February 1, 2010

لورانس العرب

For someone who does not speak nor read the Arabic language, it was hard to figure out how "Lawrence of Arabia" is written in Arabic languages. In a few days, I will travel throughout Israel and Jordan. Visiting the Holy Lands of mayor religions is exciting in itself. And it was Lawrence who claimed that "nothing is written" when he crossed the heat-wise impassable Nefud desert to attack Aqaba/Jordan in 1917 - which made him a hero to 10 year old Stefan. To me, these days of travel will also mark the 1stanniversary of knowing that my bone marrow can have a significant impact on the way I die. In other words, despite previous hopes, there seems to be something written in my bone marrow.
Lawrence died at the age of 46. He died from a fatal injury after an accident when riding his bike. His motor bike I should say; because apart from risking my live daily and on two wheels as well, I am quite aware that I am not even close to this guy, when it comes to experience.

Once in a while, I still have a hard time to to accept that I can not go beyond other's and foremost my expectations as I please. On the other hand, with age comes lesser resistance to laziness. One or another Sunday afternoon, it is OK without 10k swimming. :D

Hopefully, the opportunity for swimming in the death sea will come. Maybe, I will be just floating and thinking about changes and limits.